Bible Studies

Bible Studies: Grow deeper in your faith

Dr. David Jeremiah challenges readers to make the voice of Jesus a priority when viewing the prophetic events that are unfolding around us today. He unpacks Matthew 24:1-14, revealing how the prophecies of Jesus can shape the way we live today and encourage us to prioritize our lives in light of His return!

In the book of Acts, we have a record of the most fertile period of outreach in the history of Christianity. Churches were planted near and far as Jesus' followers proclaimed the message of Christ. Luke's record in Acts reveals that God places a premium on the spread of the gospel. "You shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." (Acts 1:8) He blesses our efforts to make disciples of all nations, one person at a time, and sends us His Spirit to guide our words, give us wisdom, and bolster our courage. We also learn that God is with us even during times of persecution and opposition... and He uses those times to sharpen us and make us effective instruments for His work

Our youth girls bible study. Every Wednesday morning at 6:45